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NDIS Support Gave Wendy the Confidence to Live Her Life Again

NDIS Support Gave Wendy the Confidence to Live Her Life Again

NDIS Support Gave Wendy the Confidence to Live Her Life Again Wendy is a 65-year-old woman living in Perth Western Australia. Wendy’s life changed dramatically 6 years ago when she suffered a heart attack. Wendy’s heart attack left her with permanent blood vessel damage to the brain which has caused early onset dementia. Prior to Wendy’s heart attack she led…

An inspiring story of a disabled man who transformed his life and achieved Independent living

An inspiring story of a disabled man who transformed his life and achieved Independent living

An inspiring story of a disabled man who transformed his life and achieved Independent living Lance is a middle-aged male who lives in Melbourne who has Schizophrenia and a mild intellectual disability. Lance had his fair share of failed accommodation settings where he did not feel safe or bond with his housemates. Finding Suitable Accommodation Despite his challenges Carepro Disability…

NDIS Domestic Assistance: Empowering Independence in Personal Domestic Activities

NDIS Domestic Assistance: Empowering Independence in Personal Domestic Activities

assistance with personal domestic activities: Empowering Independence Assistance with personal domestic activities plays a crucial role in empowering NDIS Participants to lead independent lives. The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) recognises the importance of supporting participants in their daily living tasks and provides funding for various services, including Domestic Assistance. In this blog post, we’ll talk about why NDIS Domestic…

Supported Independent Living: Providing the Right Care and Support for NDIS Participants

Supported Independent Living: Providing the Right Care and Support for NDIS Participants

Supported Independent Living: Providing the Right Care and Support for NDIS Participants Supported Independent Living (SIL) is a program designed to provide NDIS participants with the right care and support to live independently in their own homes. This program offers a range of options to suit the individual needs of each participant, from short-term accommodation to medium-term accommodation. NDIS Home…

High Intensity Supports for NDIS Participants

High Intensity Supports for NDIS Participants

NDIS High Intensity Support for Participants Near You The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) provides support to participants to help them achieve their goals and improve their quality of life. NDIS offers different levels of support, including NDIS high intensity support, for participants with complex needs who require extensive assistance with activities of daily living, health, and medical care. In…

NDIS and Mental Health: A Practical Guide to Accessing Support and Services

NDIS and Mental Health: A Practical Guide to Accessing Support and Services

NDIS and Mental Health: A Practical Guide to Accessing Support and Services National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is an Australian government initiative that aims to support people with disabilities, including those with psychosocial disabilities. Psychosocial disability refers to the impact of mental health conditions on a person’s ability to participate in daily life activities. NDIS provides funding and support to…

A brief guidance to select the right NDIS early childhood intervention providers

A brief guidance to select the right NDIS early childhood intervention providers

A Brief Guidance to Access NDIS Early Childhood Early Intervention Children with disabilities or developmental delays can receive funding for early childhood intervention services through the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). Children can benefit from early childhood intervention (ECI) in areas such as communication, socialisation, and motor skills. Choosing the right NDIS ECI provider, on the other hand, can be…

Disability Supports and services funded by the NDIS & how to get this

Disability Supports and services funded by the NDIS & how to get this

Disability Supports and services funded by the NDIS & how to get this? The NDIS provides funding for supports and services that fall into three broad categories:Core supports: These are supports that help a participant complete their daily living activities, such as personal care, mobility, and household tasks.Capital supports: These are supports for an investment, such as assistive technology, equipment,…

Employment support for people with disability/NDIS participants

Employment support for people with disability/NDIS participants

Employment Support for NDIS Participants Finding and keeping a job can be a challenging task for many people, but it can be especially difficult for individuals with disabilities. Despite legal protections in place to prevent discrimination, individuals with disabilities still face significant barriers when it comes to finding employment, retaining it, and advancing their careers. However, there are many benefits…

Tips to get disability support and service through NDIS

Tips to get disability support and service through NDIS

Navigating the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) can be a daunting task for those who are seeking services and supports. However, with the right information it is possible to find the right NDIS provider and access the services that you need. By understanding your NDIS plan, researching registered NDIS service providers and exploring different service options, you can find the…


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