Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions ( FAQ's )
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- Frequently Asked Questions ( FAQ’s )
Frequently Asked Questions
If you have NDIS questions that are not covered by the following frequently asked questions, we can support you with a free NDIS consultation, contact us today.
What is the National Disability Insurance Scheme ( NDIS )?
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is designed to empower people with disability to work towards goals and to identify the disability related support they need to meet those goals; it Provides participants of the scheme to choose where they would like to buy their supports and services.
Who does the NDIS support?
The NDIS supports:
• people with a permanent disability and children with developmental delay; their family and carers, by funding reasonable and necessary support for each person’s unique needs
• all Australians, by providing a safety net for anyone who acquires a disability in the future.
What services and support can people access under the NDIS?
The NDIS will provide funding for ‘reasonable and necessary’ support, services and equipment to assist a person to achieve their goals.
What does the NDIS mean for my Carer?
The NDIS acknowledges that carers and Family Members need support so the person with disability has the support they require,allowing them to live their lives.
This may mean:
• additional support at times when family or carers are at work.
• ‘respite’ for the person, where they can undertake activities independently of family.
• building capacity to ensure the person’s needs reduce over time, or
• provision of equipment or technology that increases independence and reduces reliance on others.
NDIS plans will usually address the full support need of the individual’s life, this includes maximising outcomes for the person, their support network.
What does the NDIS fund?
The NDIS funds the reasonable and necessary disability related support and services that participants require to meet their needs and goals.
Are there set package amounts for NDIS plans?
No, there are not set package amounts. A NDIS plan Focuses to give Individuals of the scheme the supports they need to enjoy their freedom and independence, reducing their need for support from families and carers. The cost of the package is differing from person to person and is determined thorough the assessment process of the National Disability Insurance Agency.
What does 'reasonable and necessary' support mean?
The NDIS will fund ‘reasonable and necessary’ supports needed to meet your needs and achieve your goals. Reasonable and necessary supports must:
• be identified in the NDIS plan as helping the participant to achieve your goals.
• be related to the individual’s disability.
• help Participants take part in the community or to find paid work.
• not include day-to-day living costs not related to the Participant’sdisability.
• represent value for money.
• be beneficial to you and be proven to work (tried and tested), and
• consider informal family, carer and community support that is available to you.
Will I get the same level of support as I get now once I get the NDIS?
A NDIS plan is based on goals of individuals and what they wish to achieve from the funding. This is determined through and independent assessment. Contact the NDIA on 1800 800 110. You should talk about the supports you have and need in your planning meeting to get those consideration.
To make the most of your NDIS planning meeting, it’s important to get prepared, including understanding what you receive now and any additional supports you might need.
Does the NDIS fund education?
Depending on your goals, the funding in your NDIS plan may include capacity funding which supports skill building, training, learning, capacity building, accessing employment, improving health and wellbeing and support coordination.
Does the NDIS fund medication?
Medication is not usually funded in NDIS plans. Medication falls under the responsibility of the health system and therefore would not be an NDIS funded item.
Does the NDIS fund transport?
Under the NDIS, the Centrelink Mobility Allowance is replaced by funding for transport needs related to a person’s disability in their individual NDIS plans.
Make sure that you think about your transport support needs when you prepare for your NDIS planning meeting. Transport support might include funding for taxis or buses, or travel training to build your skills and reduce the need for support in the future.
The NDIS does not fund everyday expenses such as public transport.
Does the NDIS fund equipment?
Yes, as long as the equipment is a reasonable and necessary support to help you achieve your NDIS goals.
Assessment to identify the appropriate equipment or technology, writing reports and prescriptions, the equipment purchase itself and fitting of equipment when delivered may all be funded by the NDIS.
You will also need to consider repairs and maintenance of equipment and whether people working with you will require special training to use the equipment or technology.
Does the NDIS fund respite?
Depending on a person’s goals, under the NDIS, temporary supports that are different from usual arrangements, such as respite, may be funded under ‘Short-Term Accommodation’ (STA) which is a core support. This may include short stays in a group facility (Short-Term Accommodation) or additional in-home support.
Find out more about our respite service contact us on (08) 6202 7089
Who is eligible for the NDIS?
Eligibility for the NDIS depends on where you live and the nature of your disability.
What happens if I am aged over 65?
People aged over 65 currently accessing funded disability support will continue to receive support under legislated continuity of support agreements, unless they choose to move across to aged care or health services or support.
People who acquire a disability after the age of 65 are not eligible for the NDIS and will be supported by aged or health care services, consistent with current arrangements.
How do I know if I am eligible for the NDIS?
Eligibility for the NDIS depends on factors such as whether a person lives in a NDIS transition area, and the nature of their disability. Find out more about how you can find out if you are eligible for the NDIS.
Can I change my NDIS plan?
Yes, only if your needs or circumstances change significantly, you can ask to review your plan earlier than the usual 12-month review period. The NDIS or a LAC can help you through the process to request a change to your plan.
A significant change where you could contact the NDIS and ask for an early review might be if your parent or immediate carer need to go to hospital for a while and will not be at home to support you.
How long does an NDIS plan go for?
Although NDIS plans usually run for 12 months, you can ask for a shorter NDIS plan if you think your needs might change significantly during that time. Or you can ask for a longer plan, say for two years, if you think your needs will stay the same.
With about six weeks in a NDIS plan, the participant is contacted for a plan review process to work on their next NDIS plan. Plan reviews are important in making sure you get the support you need to achieve your goals. It will help ensure your NDIS plan continues to meet your needs as they change.
How can Carepro Disability Service support me under the NDIS?
Carepro Disability Service can support you to prepare for your NDIS planning meeting, to help you to make the most of the NDIS. We can also help you understand and implement your NDIS plan once you receive it.
Our Support team can answer your NDIS or Carepro Disability Service questions no matter what stage of your NDIS journey you are at.
When you receive your NDIS plan, Carepro Disability Service can support your NDIS goals with our wide range of tailored, flexible, and quality services. We are a disability specialist, and we know the NDIS – we have been supporting participants from the early days of the scheme. Find out more reach out to our support time via Chat, email, social media, phone or in person.
Who can help me to use and coordinate the funded supports in my NDIS plan?
When you go through the planning process with the NDIS, let them know if you need some support to implement your plan. There are three levels of support coordination that might apply to you.
Carepro Disability Service can also support you when you get your NDIS plan. We are Provide free consultationto help you to understand what’s in your NDIS plan.
Why should I choose a NDIS registered provider ?
If a service provider is a registered NDIS provider, this means they have signed up to the NDIS terms of business and national quality and safeguards standards.
Carepro Disability Service is a NDIS registered service provider.
NDIS registered providers also have to comply with a number of laws, guidelines, policies and service standards, which non-registered providers may not comply with.
The NDIS has a list of registered providers available on their website.
What supports and service are available for children with learning difficulties and Autism?
At Carepro Disability Service we provide a unique package to parents and children as part of an intervention program with qualified early childhood educators and therapeutic staff, for full details you can view our Early Childhood Intervention Programs
What if I am not happy with the service or supports, I receive from my NDIS service provider?
If you are unhappy with the service you have received for supports funded in your NDIS plan, the first step is to follow your provider’s feedback and complaints processes.
If your service provider is Carepro Disability Service, find out how to provide feedback or lodge a complaint to Carepro Disability Service.
If you are unhappy with the outcome of the discussion with your service provider, you can take your complaint to a number of different external agencies, such as the Disability Services Commissioner.
You can also choose to go directly to the Disability Services Commissioner, or another relevant external agency first.