Disability Services
7 Essential things NDIS participants think about daily

7 Essential things NDIS participants think about daily

7 Essential things NDIS participants think about daily

Life with a disability is a remarkable journey filled with distinctive challenges, often overlooked by those who haven't personally experienced it. For the individuals involved in the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) in Australia, every day represents a pursuit of independence, well-being, and a feeling of belonging. While the NDIS provides invaluable services and support, NDIS participants navigate various everyday concerns that distinguish their experiences. In this article, we will delve into the seven fundamental aspects NDIS participants reflect on daily, offering insight into their frequently unspoken challenges.

1. Personal Care and Mobility

For NDIS participants, everyday life revolves around fundamental aspects like personal care and mobility. Tasks that others might not think twice about can be a challenging puzzle for participants. Simple activities such as getting in and out of bed, using the bathroom, and getting dressed can become complex decisions, often requiring the help of support workers or adaptive equipment. Participants frequently find themselves contemplating the practicalities of these daily routines, making sure they have the necessary support to uphold their personal hygiene, dignity, and independence.

2. Accessible Transportation

Every day, NDIS participants grapple with the practicalities of accessible, timely, and dependable transportation. While some own their accessible vehicles, many depend on public transport, taxis, or rideshares. Planning their journeys becomes a thoughtful process, wondering if these options will truly be available, punctual, and genuinely accommodating. For those facing mobility challenges, even a slight disruption in transportation can throw their entire day into disarray, turning routine tasks into intricate and draining endeavours, akin to manoeuvring through bustling airports.

3. Accessible Facilities:

For some NDIS participants, every new place they go can feel like stepping into a potential maze, constantly weighing in on whether there are accessible features like ramps, elevators, and wide doorways. For those in wheelchairs, the smoothness of terrain and the presence of stairs, with or without ramps, can be a constant concern. Similarly, individuals who are blind or visually impaired navigate through unfamiliar surroundings, often encountering unexpected obstacles.

These accessible facilities aren't just conveniences; they are lifelines. They deeply influence the simplest aspects of their day, whether it's making it to a doctor's appointment, tackling grocery shopping, or enjoying a social gathering. These considerations are ever-present, shaping their experiences in ways that many of us might not realize.

4. Restroom Accessibility:

Finding an accessible restroom is a fundamental concern for many NDIS participants, especially for wheelchair users and those needing extra space for safe and dignified toileting. The choice between "holding it" due to the absence of accessible facilities or opting out of events is a constant struggle they face. It's disheartening to be assured of an "accessible" restroom, only to discover it doesn't meet their needs—a frustrating situation all too familiar to them. This ongoing uncertainty and inconvenience significantly impacts their everyday plans and activities, highlighting the need for genuine accessibility in public spaces.

5. Navigating Crowds:

For NDIS participants facing mobility challenges or sensory sensitivities, every new environment prompts a thoughtful evaluation. They're not worried about deliberate harm, but rather the thoughtless, unaware movements of others who might not realize the challenges they face. This concern extends to individuals with hearing or visual impairments, who must weigh their ability to navigate safely in bustling spaces or access crucial information amid noise. Those with sensory sensitivities, often associated with autism, might also find it hard to cope with noisy crowds.

These concerns aren't sporadic; they are woven into their daily lives. Basic social interactions and public events transform into challenges, curbing their involvement and reshaping how they connect with the world.

6. Financial Independence:

Navigating the bureaucratic maze of preserving financial independence while depending on government assistance is a constant worry for numerous NDIS participants. Finding the equilibrium between employment, income, and savings, all while staying eligible for crucial support, poses an ongoing challenge. Even a few extra work hours or slight income bumps can unintentionally jeopardize vital benefits like Medicaid, Medicare, or Social Security. The fear of losing these lifelines or accruing debt due to overpayments can turn the pursuit of a stable career and financial security into a complex and often overwhelming journey. This financial balancing act remains a persistent concern for countless NDIS participants, adding layers of stress to their everyday lives.

7. Dealing with Ableism:

Despite the progress we've made in creating a more inclusive world, NDIS participants continue to face ableism on a regular basis. Ableism manifests in various ways, ranging from thoughtless remarks to blatant discrimination. These hurtful encounters can tarnish what should be an accessible and enjoyable event or outing. It serves as a stark reminder that, despite the strides we've taken, society still has a significant journey ahead in cultivating understanding and empathy for people with disabilities.


Every single day, NDIS participants confront a distinct set of challenges rooted in their disabilities. Their considerations extend far beyond the everyday aspects of life that many of us often take for granted.

Tasks like personal care (bathing, dressing, grooming, toileting, etc.), respite care, aged care, accessible transportation, early childhood intervention, household chores such as cleaning, laundry, and meal preparation, the availability of facilities, high-intensity care, finding suitable independent living accommodation, navigating through crowds, striving for financial independence, and combating ableism are all ongoing issues they must navigate.

Recognizing and understanding these daily concerns is the initial step toward fostering a more inclusive and accommodating society for NDIS participants. By acknowledging these challenges and working collaboratively to eliminate them, we can contribute to constructing a more just, equitable, and compassionate world for all individuals, regardless of their abilities.

Carepro Disability Services, is a registered NDIS service provider in Australia, playing a vital role in offering essential disability support and care to NDIS participants, making these everyday challenges more manageable. Together, we can foster a community where every individual is not just valued, but truly supported in their journey.

Reach out to us to get more information on NDIS Active Support (03) 9492 6982 (Victoria Office) (08) 6202 7089 (Western Australia Office)